Move Past Plastic, MPP
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MPP’s 2021


MPP joined BFFP’s Actions Against

Extraction event.

MPP joined our partner, BFFP, in a national ask of the Biden administration to ban further petrochemical build out along with a local ask related to solutions to move past single use plastics, SUP on October 26th 1-2 p.m. MPP contributed two 2 minute pre-recorded message to be delivered on October 26th 1-2. MPP also had fourteen face in the BFFP Extraction Banner

The first recording of the series, Monitor

and Protect Conodoguinet Creek - Part 1

PUP’s SUPs Challenge

How few SUPs can you exit the store with?

Prairy knocked over the recyling bin. She and Starbuck were upset by what they found. They want to issue us all a challenge. We challenged people to take their grocery shopping list to the store and see how many products could be can purchased without them being packaged in single use plastics or made with some portion of single use plastics. They were asked to calculate and record the percent of single use plastic (SUP) items theiir purchases contained. (SUP items are things wrapped or made from plastic that are used ones. ie shampoo or milk bottles, . SUP = items that were wrapped in or contained single use plastic, including the plastic bags you may use to carry them out). SUP/ total items purchased x 100 = % of SUP items

SUP's Day by Day in July

In connection with the Plastic Free July campaign, MPP sharded a Daily Digest of single use plastics, SUP, information. Everyday a resource about SUP was uploaded to MPP Facebook. One report declared that we consume and inhale 5 grams of plastic per week, the equivalence of a credit card. This information seeks to educate, impower and bring HOPE and real action for ending SUP negative impacts. The resource content included information on the entire plastic cycle and their impacts. Some resources included: articles, videos, books, youth educational information, recommended letters to legislators, petitions, and connections to our partners and their bank of educational resources and suggested action you may take. Week 1 Introduction to the plastic cycle, impacts and Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (BFFPP act) Week 2 Recycling Myths Week 3 False Solutions Week 4 Solutions Week 5 What Can I Do & Break Free From Plastic Pollution, BFFPP

Carlisle Bag Ban & Consumer and

Business Surveys

Began working with Dickinson and Widner students as well as the borough of Carlisle’s Climate Action Commision on a bag ban ordinance, consumer and business surveys.

PA PFAS campaign

Began working on a PA PFAS campaign to educate the public and support them speaking during the Department of Environmental Protection Agencies Bureau of Safe Drinking Water’s, DEP-BSDW, sixty day public comment period beginning January 2022

Presentations to various organizations

FairFax 350 Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association (CCWA) Yellow Breeches Watershed Association PA Master Naturalist annual meeting The Foundation for Enhancing Communities with South Mountain Partnership highlighted MPP as a local organization addressing Climate Change at their Fall Partnership Meeting, An interview with as one of the few selected organizations they sponsor to support protecting our Earth through the gift of art.


Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association (CCWA) Artists 4 Earth Janak Nayrayan

The first recording of the series, Monitor

and Protect Conodoguinet Creek - Part 1

BFFP Cono Ck with Outtakes

This video is a message to the Biden administration asking him to ban further petrochemical build out and protect PA's watersheds. We also ask him to support local communities in handling single use plastic by building real recycling infrastructure and requiring single use plastic to contain a minimum of 30% recycled plastic. BFFP FF FACTS with Outtakes #2 This video is a message to the Biden administration asking him to ban further petrochemical build out and stop using American tax dollars to subsidies an industry that harms us and our environment. We also ask him to support local communities in handling single use plastic by building real recycling infrastructure and requiring single use plastic to contain a minimum of 30% recycled plastic. .

Lending a helping hand.

The Covanta incinerator in Chester,

Pennsylvania. Residents live right behind

the plant, which burned about 200 tons of

garbage a day until the practice was

discontinued in April. Photograph:

Hannah Yoon/The Guardian

The Big Problem With Plastic

CR reveals where most of the plastic you throw away really ends up and explains what to do to limit its environmental harm
Sponsored by TLC Foundation
Move Past Plastic, MPP
Sponsored by TLC Foundation
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem

MPP’s 2021


MPP joined BFFP’s Actions Against

Extraction event.

MPP joined our partner, BFFP, in a national ask of the Biden administration to ban further petrochemical build out along with a local ask related to solutions to move past single use plastics, SUP on October 26th 1-2 p.m. MPP contributed two 2 minute pre-recorded message to be delivered on October 26th 1-2. MPP also had fourteen face in the BFFP Extraction Banner

The first recording of the series,

Monitor and Protect Conodoguinet

Creek - Part 1

PUP’s SUPs Challenge

How few SUPs can you exit the store


Prairy knocked over the recyling bin. She and Starbuck were upset by what they found. They want to issue us all a challenge. We challenged people to take their grocery shopping list to the store and see how many products could be can purchased without them being packaged in single use plastics or made with some portion of single use plastics. They were asked to calculate and record the percent of single use plastic (SUP) items theiir purchases contained. (SUP items are things wrapped or made from plastic that are used ones. ie shampoo or milk bottles, . SUP = items that were wrapped in or contained single use plastic, including the plastic bags you may use to carry them out). SUP/ total items purchased x 100 = % of SUP items

SUP's Day by Day in July

In connection with the Plastic Free July campaign, MPP sharded a Daily Digest of single use plastics, SUP, information. Everyday a resource about SUP was uploaded to MPP Facebook. One report declared that we consume and inhale 5 grams of plastic per week, the equivalence of a credit card. This information seeks to educate, impower and bring HOPE and real action for ending SUP negative impacts. The resource content included information on the entire plastic cycle and their impacts. Some resources included: articles, videos, books, youth educational information, recommended letters to legislators, petitions, and connections to our partners and their bank of educational resources and suggested action you may take. Week 1 Introduction to the plastic cycle, impacts and Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (BFFPP act) Week 2 Recycling Myths Week 3 False Solutions Week 4 Solutions Week 5 What Can I Do & Break Free From Plastic Pollution, BFFPP

Carlisle Bag Ban & Consumer and

Business Surveys

Began working with Dickinson and Widner students as well as the borough of Carlisle’s Climate Action Commision on a bag ban ordinance, consumer and business surveys.

PA PFAS campaign

Began working on a PA PFAS campaign to educate the public and support them speaking during the Department of Environmental Protection Agencies Bureau of Safe Drinking Water’s, DEP-BSDW, sixty day public comment period beginning January 2022

Presentations to various


FairFax 350 Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association (CCWA) Yellow Breeches Watershed Association PA Master Naturalist annual meeting The Foundation for Enhancing Communities with South Mountain Partnership highlighted MPP as a local organization addressing Climate Change at their Fall Partnership Meeting, An interview with as one of the few selected organizations they sponsor to support protecting our Earth through the gift of art.


Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association (CCWA) Artists 4 Earth Janak Nayrayan

The first recording of the series,

Monitor and Protect Conodoguinet

Creek - Part 1

BFFP Cono Ck with Outtakes

This video is a message to the Biden administration asking him to ban further petrochemical build out and protect PA's watersheds. We also ask him to support local communities in handling single use plastic by building real recycling infrastructure and requiring single use plastic to contain a minimum of 30% recycled plastic. BFFP FF FACTS with Outtakes #2 This video is a message to the Biden administration asking him to ban further petrochemical build out and stop using American tax dollars to subsidies an industry that harms us and our environment. We also ask him to support local communities in handling single use plastic by building real recycling infrastructure and requiring single use plastic to contain a minimum of 30% recycled plastic. .